YUEPOPO Confinement Diet Plan


is specially curated by our in-house team of experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Postpartum Nutrition, combining traditional and modern concepts to create a well-balanced diet plan of more than one hundred different Confinement food recipes.

We believe that consuming the right food at the right time is fundamental to ensure a complete postpartum recovery. Our menu aims to assist the new mother to restore her Qi energy, increase strength and vitality; as well as to enhance breastmilk production for the new baby.

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Our Signature Dishes



Why choose us?



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Daily Menu backed by nutritionist & Dietician

Wide varieties of over 100 different traditional and modern Confinement dishes

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Healthy Cooking Method Low Salt, Low Oil, No Added MSG

Healthy cooking methods using all natural ingredients and flavouring

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Breastfeeding Friendly

Include breast-milk boasting ingredients to promote breast-milk quality and production